Our Team
The Directors
Peter Gerber
Peter is an investment specialist and boasts over 30 years of experience in the financial industry. He specialises in both local and offshore investments along with a host of related offerings. Peter holds a B.Com degree from the University of Port Elizabeth, is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Business Management and an Associate member of the South African Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Peter has also passed the First Level Regulatory Examination for Representatives. Peter has spent several years within the First National Bank Group and the Old Mutual Group. Peter and Jessica started JP Blue in 2014.
Jessica Riche
Jessica is a management graduate with more than 15 years experience in the financial services industry as well as 10 years in management experience. Jessica has a National Diploma in Management for Technikon Natal and a Post Graduate Certificate from the Edinburgh School of Business. Jessica has focused primarily on financial planning in the past but has since found her niche within the field of foreign exchange. Jess has a passion to assist clients and to add value in whatever way possible. Jessica has passed the First Level Regulatory Examination for Representatives, First Level Regulatory Examination for FSP’s and Key Individuals and is a registered FSA with the FInancial Planning Institute
Administration & Sales
Kelvin Lane
Kelvin has over 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry, the latter 5 years being at the helm on Investec Specialist Banks foreign exchange department.
During his tenure at Investec, he honed his skills on the Retail FX trading desk as well as obtaining extensive experience in FX settlements and FX Risk and control.
Kelvin has passed the First Level Regulatory Examination for Representatives and is currently completing his B.Com Risk Management degree.
JP Blue also has other outsourced role players that contribute to both sales and administration.